Friday, July 24, 2009


br 2 bln ak x blk...mcm2 dh jd...
smlm ibu gi hospital ngan ayah....
ad mslh ngan perut ibu...
ak ni jenis yg kalo ibu cte mende2 cmtu ak mcm wat x ksh...
tp dlm ati...thn je tau...betapa risau nye aku....
ibu nk wat lmbt lg... kerajaan....phm2 je la...
bln 8 br ad free....
Ya Allah....risaunye aku.....
nape ngan ibu??
patu ari sblumnye...
ibu gi hospital kul 12 lbh...
mslh ngan drh tngi dye plak....
dlu ibu kn mkn ubt stngh biji je tau...
skang ni...dh kn mkn 2 biji!!
sape2 yg bce plog ni...
doakanlah kesihatan ibu sy....
sy tkut...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


ari ni class start ngan favourite subj....with my cutey lecturer...huhu...
kitorg kn anta tjuk utk forum tjuk tu kn reject coz kitorg nk wat pasal May 13 incident...
memg mnarik miss tkut audience boring nnti...tjuk group laen pown sume best2....
so kitorg tkr le ke tjuk yg lbh keremajaan sket....
x ksh pown...
tp tu lah...ari ni dh nk blk ad la mke2 yg cm x best je...
dull smcm je....
boring geyl....
pliz la wei...ak pown nk blk gak....
lg la...bas ari jumaat pagi wo!
owg len dh smpai umah ak dok t'hegeh nk nek bas....
1st tyme lak tu...
b4 ni kalo blk asrama sure ibu n ayah amik...
esok kn blk sndri naek bas!!
cam x cye la.....!!!!
tkut senanya....
wat2 brani je r nnti...InsyaAllah...
doakan sy slamat....

Sunday, July 19, 2009


apsal la truk sgt??
ble assgnment nk siap neyh??
ari khamis ni dh nk blk dh...
c'mon la...
kn siapkan gak....!
mlm ni kn taip dh..
c'mon la...

buat keputusan itu amat rumit.....

is there anybody that agree with me??
MAKING DECISION is not such an easy thing....
esspecially if it'll be related with our FUTURE...
isn't it??
let me give examples....
it's not easy for ME esspecially to make decision before i came here....
have to go through a lot of arguement....conflict and so fort...
however...finally...Alhamdulillah...i can be very sure with my decision now....
i'm happy with it....
but...i know...there are certain sides that can't accept it yet...
it's ok...i'll prove to them that i was not wrong at all.....
how about another thing??
which related to FEELINGS??
this thing....
i don't think i can handle it well....
it's harder than the previous prob that i ever faced before....
because it's everything about FEELING....
and also FUTURE perhaps!
wateve it is...
i've to settle it down.....
i don't 'this thing'
to disturb my study as well....
i'll try....

the new beginning....

we gonna discuss about something interesting...
let's join!